Gifted Education » Identification and Referrals

Identification and Referrals


To ensure portable identification procedures and to identify and serve all gifted students, including those with disabilities (i.e. twice exceptional) and from all socio-economic, ethnic, and cultural populations, all districts in the San Juan BOCES agree to meet common standards for identification.

  • All districts are encouraged to maintain a website detailing gifted identification processes and including easily accessible referral forms.
  • A student may be referred by a staff member, a family or community member, peer or self.
  • Review team determinations regarding next steps should be communicated with stakeholders no more than 30 days after a referral is made.
  • If a student moves into a San Juan BOCES district with a gifted identification from another district or state, student files and prior plans should be reviewed by district gifted personnel within 45 days and families will receive communication within 60 days. If the body of evidence does not meet CDE criteria for identification, the receiving district will re-evaluate the identification determination in consultation with staff, the student, and the family.

Screening Procedures and Tools used for Grade Level Screening:

All districts will universally screen all students at one or more grade level to identify gifted potential, using a group administered cognitive ability assessment such as the NNAT (Naglieri Non-verbal Abilities Test) or the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test).  Districts should also develop a talent pool for identifying students with potential who may benefit from enhanced programming options to nurture potential.

Primary Tools for Identification and Description of the Required Body of Evidence

Quantitative and qualitative data comprise the body of evidence.  A body of evidence, recorded using common forms, may include but is not limited to behavioral checklists, grade level screening data, formal and informal classroom and district assessments such as MAPS/NWEA, state assessments such as CMAS, ACCESS assessments, creativity assessments such as the TTCT(Torrance Test of Creative Thinking), portfolio documentation, parent and teacher checklists, student self-assessments, and anecdotal records.  All districts will use a team approach to review student evidence.  The team determines if a student requires additional testing.  One member of the team must be trained in CDE Gifted Procedures. Both qualitative and quantitative data is required and considered.