Learning about Finances and Retirement

Learning about Finances and Retirement
11/19/2024, 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
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In each of the Teach and Retire Rich books, you will find two things that are needed for your first assignment. You will find a lottery ticket and an index card. Here is your assignment:
BEFORE YOU SCRATCH OFF YOUR TICKET....Set up a time with someone that you can have a comfortable money conversation with. This could be a partner, spouse, child, parent, or friend. If it ends up just being you... no worries. Before you scratch off the ticket, please do the following:
Think about and tell your partner (or just think to yourself), and write on the index card your response to these questions:
-What would I do if I had an extra $10?
-What would I do if I had an extra $10,0000?
-What would I do if I had an extra $100,000?
Good luck...I truly hope you are a winner. Either way, you just received a free bookmark for each of the books! Check that out...you already won;)

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